[INTERVIEW] Francesc Llenas, Spain distributor

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How was the year 2020 for the sport’s field?

No doubt it has been a year with many uncertainties and many doubts. There have also been differences between the areas and sports.

The lockdown at the end of last season did a lot of damage to the clubs, but luckily season 2020/21 was able to start more or less normally. Although it has suffered and will suffer breaks until the end of this year.

Holding the club’s hand and through digital tools such as tutorials and especially with the online stores, we managed to overcome the barriers that COVID has imposed on us at times, and despite everything, the kits have arrived at many athletes.

How do you see the future of sport?

In my opinion, sport is going to adapt to everything that has happened, society in general and young people in particular need to play sports.

Anyway, I also believe that changes will exist and occur. Which ones? it’s hard to see

There has been a strong entry into the sector of all types of online broadcasts at all levels of sports and categories, and there has been a huge growth in sports such as cycling or running that have been more easily practiced these months. The question is whether all this will continue when the restrictions are eased.

How do you think GEFF could deal with this situation?

Our challenge at GEFF is to be able to go one step further in the service of sports teamwear, and to create an experience around them that involves much more who wears our brand products.

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