About GEFF

GEFF was born in 2010 to provide personalized teamwear for clubs with punctuality and reliability.

Today we are the largest manufacturer of personalized teamwear by sublimation in Europe thanks to the digital print technology.

The latest machinery is combined with a unique system of management, design, layout, and digital print which allows a massive manufacture of personalized fabric products.

GEFF at a glance
In a year, more than


manufactured units


different designs


Different clubs

Growing with the clubs

With a super efficient system and an exceptional team of professionals in our factory of 2,000 m2 we can guarantee the manufacture of the highest quality fabric products in 15 working days, with totally free design and permanent replacements.

Our growth strategy is sustained by three pilars:

– Optimization of the processes sustained by digital technology.
– Internationalization thanks to local franchises
– Establishment of stable alliances with the clubs

We are in Europe, USA and Australia


Our success is the result of a team formed by more than 50 professionals over 4 departments, highly specialized and qualified in sports, production, design and logistics.